December 23, 2008

The Official Holiday 2008 Post!

Have a merry Christmas, happy Hanukkah, happy Kwanza, happy holidays, and happy New Year from Lai Guys Comics. There was supposed to be a cartoon Kung Fu Santa beside this but I left it to the last minute and that didn't happen. Maybe later.


December 7, 2008

Painted Spiria Pin-up

Hi, this is Chris. I'm sorry I haven't posted in a long time, for those who might be wondering, I am alive. I realize that we have talked about my Spiria project, but I've never posted any art for it. So here it goes, the first Spiria related piece of art work.

It shows the four main characters from Spiria in the center, with the gentle glowing moon on their right, and the harsh, noon-day sun on their left. The main villain of the story looms menacingly over them. An army spills out of the gates of a fortified city, and a delicate blossom blooms from the tangle of vines that frames the whole thing.

An art teacher of mine gave me a lot of tips and pointers while I painted this, so a big thanks goes out to him. Thanks!

Hope everyone is enjoying these posts! If you see anything you like (or don't like), please leave a comment and let us know about it!

-Chris Lai

Blog Redesign

If you've been to our blog before then you'll probably notice some changes in the design. I recently redesigned it to make it resemble the design of the official website that I'm developing for us. We also changed our domain name. We can now be found at However will still redirect you here. We're also trying out a new commenting system called Intense Debate. To comment on a blog post just click on the title of the post. To comment you have to either have an Intense Debate account or an open ID (Bogger, Wordpress, Google, or Yahoo! accounts can be used as open IDs). I also redesigned the Lemon Inc. Blog. Go check it out. I hope you like the changes and I would apprieciate any feedback you may have.

Thanks for reading; I hope you'll return.


Lemon Inc. Sample Strips

I recently posted some sample strips for Lemon Inc. on the Lemon Inc. blog and I thought I'd post them here too. Right now the Lemon Inc. blog is our most active blog so remember to check up on it.
